Tutorial : Sound Object

I’m sorry if my english skil is low.becoz’ I’m Thai.
I wanna do this tutorial becoz someone ask me about it.
Sorry I lazy to do pictures

:Sound Object

  1. import the sound u want into Flash.
  2. right click the sound, choose Linkage
  3. U’ll see Linkage Properties, choose Export for action script, put identifier name
  4. confirm and close it.
  5. Back to Action-frame.
  6. make new object >> mySound = new Sound () ;
  7. input ur sound into ur sound object >> mySound.attachSound (“identifier name”) ;
  8. complete in set sound into ur object.

And then, We 'll study in using.
Start Command >> mySound.start () ;
Stop Command >> mySound.stop () ;
control volume >> mySound.setVolume (number 1-100);
this is basic command with control sound object

Sorry if It don’t understand … good luck ^^
