Tutorials (again)

I just figured out how to control just about all aspects of a MC/BTTN/GFX in flash MX depending on the activitylevel of a -plugged in- microphone…

Any idea for a tut? Should I write one?

I’ll have a demop on about tomorrow… (I’m still heavily drunk…)


Don’t mind me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm, by microphone eh? I would like to see a tut on that, not many out there :slight_smile:

Kewl! :slight_smile:

I’ll do the bsic testing today, and then post a demo…

Just gotta find me a mic first… :-\

Don’t rush :slight_smile:

Well I got it working… sorta…

tried something with a mask, but MX screwed it up terribly…

going for something simple instead.

Well, there’s only the activity level… so… :stuck_out_tongue:

WOULD be nice tho :sure:

If Kirupa would allow it for a tut! :P:P:P

Hey eilsoe!
Sure, that would make a neat topic. I really don’t mind what the tutorial is about as long as it is explained clearly =)

Kirupa :rambo:

I figured that :slight_smile:

I will make a tut on it, and mebbe one on webcams as well…

But the question was, if a naked dancing chick was allowed in a tut :stuck_out_tongue:

Prolly not :sure: