Tutorials wanted :D

Hey guys, not sure where to put this… not really a job or anything, closest is Flash IMO, anyway,

I am currrently looking for tutorials which will be placed up onm my site. You will recieve full credits for your work.

As it is I have made 2 myself (the platform ones needs a MAJOR facelift) but as i am in final year of my secondary education i dont have much time to write any. So there is pretty much a guarentee that your tutorial will be placed up.

Where: They will all be placed here; http://www.n99creations.com/?pID=tutorials&col=Blue

What: Anything Is welcome, at the moment it says only Flash subjects but I am more than happy to add up more.

How: You can submit them however you like; link, notepad, wordpad, .doc, html, whatever

You may contact me by PM, this threadm or any of the details in my sig
Looking forward to working with you :slight_smile: