Tween Class Issue

Hello, I am really in a slump and can’t figure this thing out. Here is the deal…attached I have a folder with all necessary files…a “Main.swf”, a “movie1.swf”, and an external “” file. If you play the “Main.swf” and then click the open button I made to load the “movie1.swf”, you’ll see it load and then start playing the tween. The problem is, that if you unload the loaded “movie1.swf” (hit the close button in the Main.swf movie) before the tween is done playing…it screws everything up. When you try to load it again, the tween doesn’t work! It only works again if the tween was fully completed. Can anyone please help? I just can’t seem to figure it out…is it something in the tween class? Thanks so much…I am pulling my hair out