Tween Class Problem

Hi all!

Im having a little trouble using the Tween Class. What im trying to do is, a simple menu, when i roll over a button, it will expand and move the others itens to the left.

Take a look at this sample:

If i move the mouse slowly, no problems, the big deal happen when i roll over a button, when still the previous Tween movement.

I alredy have tryied to stop the current Tween using Tween::stop(), still the same problem :frowning:

Thanks in advance.

---- Code


easeType = mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone;
var i:Number;
var target:MovieClip;
var mc:MovieClip;
var frames:Number = 10;

for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
	mc = this["btn_" + i];
	mc.i = i;
	mc.iniX = mc._x;
	mc.onRollOver = function()
		new mx.transitions.Tween(this, "_width", easeType, this._width, 156, frames);
		for(i = 1; i < this.i; i++)
			target = this._parent["btn_" + i];
			new mx.transitions.Tween(target, "_x", easeType, target._x, target.iniX - 120, frames);
	mc.onRollOut = mc.onReleaseOutside = function()
		new mx.transitions.Tween(this, "_width", easeType, this._width, 36, frames);
		for(i = 1; i < this.i; i++)
			target = this._parent["btn_" + i];
			new mx.transitions.Tween(target, "_x", easeType, target._x, target.iniX, frames);