Alright, check out the file here…
<< short version >>
I want my bitmap (layers 1 and/or 2) to act like layer 3, however I get crappy tween distortion when I try to do it like I did in the simplified layer 3. Suggestions? (read ending of long version, lol)
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<< long version~~the **** near total story >>
The image I’m using is a bitmap (not worried about quality yet, so never mind the rough edges, ets.) that I created in Photoshop. It’s part of a book I’m developing for a site where the cover opens and closes. I’ve seen some of the other book samples by searching the forums, but I’m ardent I can get the effect the way I want it without “bending” the page as in the other examples. I’m being a real perfectionist on this one so I want the perspective to be farely accurate. So… looking at the file…
Layer 1 shows a simple motion tween with scaling. Simple enough and it works fine, HOWEVER, the perspective is incorrect. As the book reaches 90 degrees, the edge of the cover should appear larger than it does at 0 degrees (open). Get what I mean.
Layer 2 shows it using a shape tween. Here it’s obviously messed up, however the only way I know how to introduce the distortion to the image for the perspective is by using a shape tween on an ungrouped image.
Layer 3 is an example of me being able to apply the effect I want on a simple drawing. It works here!
My problem? Well, if I can get it to work for the 3rd layer, why not with my ungrouped bitmap? Furthermore, I tried using the trace bitmap feature, but it distorts my tween horribly, even with shape hints (the “insides” get all mixed up). Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated. Mind you I’ve already gotten a suggestion to use a 3D rendering prog, so any actual Flash advice is what I desire most. The 3rd layer is exactly how I’d like the bitmap to work, so that’s the help I’m looking for. You guys are always a huge help, so thanks again for reading all this!
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