is it possible to make a object (box in my case) increase its width over a series of frames with actionscript? I would assume it would be somthing like this:
on (release) {
tellTarget("/path") {
I am writing the code on the
I did the targeting with the targeting thing on the actionscript panel. I also did it by “hand”, both didnn’t work.
i fooled around with this for awhile and went back to try to modifie the first posters code.
I did and came up with this:
on (release) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (<=_root.scale._width) { += 10;
but i this code was applied to a new .fla with only 3 elements, the box, the box that i want the with to be, and the button. and it worked! so i brought it over to my other project changed the path, and it…well…didn’t work. It made the boxes width move but never stopped. any ideas?
<grin> tracing. very important. It takes the value of your varibles or whatever you put in the () and outputs them to the "output window’ when you test your movie. cmd + enter.
I just stuck the arrows and text in there to make it easy to distinguish which value is which.
after fooling around with it for an hour i finally got it to work!!!
here the code:
on (release) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.mainmov.scalebox._width<= 700) {
_root.mainmov.scalebox._xscale += 10;
If your wondering, heres the site i am working on.
the only menu that actully works so far is the details menu, and the front page isn’t complete. But other than the non-completeness of it what do u think design wise?
hmm, I just came across a problem though, if i change the <= to >= the box infidentaly goes on, why? if there anything specail i have to do when i change that symbol ( the greater than less than symbol )? Also i should be able to use != instead of <= symbols correct? because if i use them i get the same effect, line goes on forever.