Tweening color of mc (with TextField attached to it) problem


I have a situation where i have a MovieClip with TextField attached to it using addChild(), something like:


What i am trying to accomplish is tween backgorund color of movie clip without also effecting color of TextField inside it. If i try the following using Tweener:

Tweener.addTween(mcName, {_color:0xFF6600, time:0.5, transition:"linear"});

Then color of both mc and text field will be tweened to 0xFF6600. How can i only tween movie clip’s color?

best regards

You have to make the background color a seperate child and mcName a ‘holder’ for the color / text.

I just realized that while experimenting with this stuff, i added a dummy mc container and attached to it movie clip and textfield and that works. Thanks anyway sekasi

best regards