Tweening.. colors

first post for me here…, hi.

ok i’m trying to learn as3 better. now in as2 i used the laco tween manager (“”) extension in almost every project… now with as3 it doesnt work anymore… (onooos)

the question:

in as2 i could do things like "myMc.colorTo(0xff0000, 3, customEasing, 3)

how would i do that in as3 ? is there a native way or perhaps someone could point me to a extension ?

Many thanks in advance

yes!! you just made my day and fast as well !! YAY this place rawkz. thx

I’ve found a workaround using Tweener.

from outside your mc/sprite class: Tweener.addTween(mc.color, {color:0x556688, time:1})

and inside your mc/sprite class

 private var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
public function set color( value:uint ):void {
			_color =value;
//split the color in channel values
			var red:uint = _color >> 16;
			var green:uint = _color >> 8 & 0xFF;
			var blue:uint = _color & 0xFF;
			Tweener.addTween(ct, {redOffset:red, greenOffset:green, blueOffset:blue, time:2, onUpdate:applyColor});
		private function applyColor() {

Maybe fan of old caurina could be interested in this. Also if you know other ways…

[quote=user777;2329037]first post for me here…, hi.

ok i’m trying to learn as3 better. now in as2 i used the laco tween manager (“”) extension in almost every project… now with as3 it doesnt work anymore… (onooos)

the question:

in as2 i could do things like "myMc.colorTo(0xff0000, 3, customEasing, 3)

how would i do that in as3 ? is there a native way or perhaps someone could point me to a extension ?

Many thanks in advance[/quote]
The AS3 version and next step up from mc_tween and mc_tween2 is Tweener which allows you to tween any numeric property of any object.
This could be anything… ie, color, letter-spacing, alpha, frame number, blur filter, etc etc etc. You can even tween multiple objects and properties at once. Quite simply, its the dogs bollox…

hexColor Tweening in TweenMax is cool, I love it, but it has a bug in Tweening with Elastic easing, the color seems to be flicked.