Tweening movie clips AS3 problem

I am fairly new to AS3 and I’m having a problem I need some help on. I have a page on my site that navigates between 3 different movie clips using frame based navigation. I have action script on each of the 3 frames to move between the movie clips and that works just fine but i can’t seem to get the tween to work on more than just one movie clip. Here’s the code from the first frame:

//load page
page2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);

function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent)
//go to the frame clicked on…
//animate between pages
new Tween(page2_mc, “x”, Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);
new Tween(page1_mc, “x”, Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);
new Tween(page3_mc, “x”, Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);


Whatever movie clip i put in the first tween will animate but the other two won’t. What am i doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated!