I’m trying to make a textfield inside a sprite zoom upon mousing over the sprite. I’m instantiating tweens on the x, y, scaleX, and scaleY properties of the sprite. The x and y tweens are needed due to the top left registration. Also, the tweens are added to an array to ensure they finish.
Sometimes it works as I intended, but when I mouse over from the bottom right corner, the sprite jumps haphazardly towards the top left and back until i mouse out, instantiating another set of tweens to return the sprite to it’s original state. I’m not sure what to do other than using a custom tweening engine such as Tweener.
I’m using the built in tweening classes and I’m hoping to find a solution within these parameters. Has anyone run into this kind of problem? Can you make any recommendations? I would be most appreciative of any helpful feedback.