Two Questions

ok, ive got two questions, but i thought i may as well put them in the same thread:

  1. I notice that some people have scrolling/colour cycling text in their cutom titles. How do you do that?

  2. Can you get custom skins for Win XP? I want an orange theme for my computer, but i dont want to use the old style windows, that just sucks. Where can i get such things?

2: try

  1. Become a mod. :stuck_out_tongue:

eilsoe: thanks buddy :slight_smile:

Kit: Heh, dont think the forum is ready to unleash Mod powers upon me yet. T’would be a bad idea. (I would try to take over the world or somthing…)

LOL… just like that Kit:sigh:

Object desktop looks cool :slight_smile:


Kit you had 4000 post not 1 week ago, you did more post in 1 week then i did in like 4 months:cowboy:

*Originally posted by chris9902 *

Kit you had 4000 post not 1 week ago, you did more post in 1 week then i did in like 4 months:cowboy: **

she IS a mod i suppose. Besides, churchill are practically PAYING her to browse the forums all day :wink:


Yeah, I have been posting a lot recently. :sure: For the first few months I was here I didn’t post very often at all, but now I’m around for most of the day my post count has shot up. I don’t really look at it though, I’m not particularly bothered by how many posts I have. :slight_smile:

Nice footer by the way there. :slight_smile:

  1. theres also StyleXP

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Nice footer by the way there. :slight_smile: **

what mine?

it goes to the search function … LOL:trout:

Yeah, yours. :slight_smile: I like it. :slight_smile:

And the search thing is worth bonus points. :stuck_out_tongue:

i did something worth replying too

this is a great day in Kirupa froum history… :thumb:

glad you like it

  1. FutureSplash MX :wink:

:-\ ???