Two questions

First question is, why can’t I view my css filters from the HTML files on my comp. Is this correct?

<hr />
style=“filter:glow(color=#333333, strength=7)”
<hr />

My second question. I am new to PHP and I was wondering how would I create a MySql database. I have the code for a tagboard thing and no database… So, any help?

You can only apply CSS filters to certain things. For text try this…

<span style="width: 100%; height: 30; font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana; color: #EEEEEE; Filter: Glow(Color=#333333, Strength=7)">CSS Filters are quite an interesting thing.  And they only work in IE.</span>

And on an image… something like this…

<img src="imageURL" style="Filter: Glow(Color=#0000FF, Strength=20)">

As for that PHP question. I don’t work much with PHP, but I know for a database people usually have mySQL installed on your server. There are other databases out there, but mySQL seems to be the most popular hands down. Sometimes you have to pay extra for mySQL support on your server, you have to take that up with your host if you don’t have it.

I used the css filter on an image, and span, and div. None of them showed up… Blah…

I am using for PHP hosting. They took php away unless you want banners. I got around that though…using .phtml…suckers… I don’t know… Confused… Is there anyway to get an emtpy database already built for use?..

Those filters only work in IE, and possibly only on Windows. I just try it, it works :wink:

And no you can’t just get an empty database, it needs to be installed and you need to have access to it via your host.

I have never used a mySQL database, but I am pretty sure you need a username and password to be able to access it and create tables in there to store your information. If your host doesn’t offer it, you can’t get it. Well unless you are your own host :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the bit on the MySql.

The Filter still doesn’t work… I copied your code to my img tag. Does the webpage have to be on a web server? I just have it sitting in my C drive…

I think the filter only works on transparent .gifs or images that use the chroma filter to remove certain color values.

It won’t work on solid square or rectangle images, there needs to be some kind of transparent edge it can work off of.

<IMG src=“” style=“Filter: Glow(Color=#333333, Strength=4)”>

Thank you! I will try that.