Txt php with actionscript minor problems

ok so i had 1 swf file that had a input text box and the data you put in it was sent to a php page that created a text file with that information in it as an actionscript variable. then the second swf file loaded the variables from the text file and it displayed the text from the text file just fine. i was using this for remote updates onthefly.

so i did a little test and did the exact same things except no text boxes on the swf that loads the variables instead i said if that varaible == two ; gotoAndPlay(2); to see if it would work and it didnt heres my code



$input = $_POST[‘input’];
$data = strip_tags($input);
$var = “&test=” . $data;
$filename = “worked.txt”;
$handle = fopen($filename,‘w’) or die(“can’t open file”);
fwrite($handle, $var);


my text file after inputing something and the php creating it:


and heres my actionscript in my flash file:


if(test == “two”){
if(test == “three”){
if(test == “four”){
if(test == “five”){

anyone know what im doing wrong? i just want it to change frames depending on what the variable test ==