tyepwriter_mc and classic tween

Hi there,

I’m trying to create a fade effect to a mc but i stuck. I converted a tet box to a mc and have a typewriter effect. So when it plays it doesnt stop. So i added a stop command but now it stops before the typewriter effect fades away. When the typewriter effect ends i like it to fade so another writing can come up. I dont know how to manage the 2.nd mc to play when the first one is finished. Please help… Thank you in advance…
Here is the as i have sofar…

var str:String = ‘Herzlich Willkommen Bei’;
var i:uint = 0;
var timer:Timer = new Timer(80);

function gotime(e:TimerEvent){
textbox_txt.appendText(str.charAt (i) );
if(i>=str.length) {