Unecoded data encodes coming into flash as2

Hi there everybody

I’m having some trouble and am confused about URL encoding /escape.
I am loading urlencoded data (a number, a link, text) to a database through an asp page. I can see in the database that it is encoded.

When I ask for multiple fields back they are to come in a comma delimited list with each list being separated by a #.

ie a number,a link, a text blurb # a number,a link, a text blurb#

the contents should be urlencoded text, and the separators not urlencoded. When I ask for the data with an html form, it displays correctly.

However, once it comes into flash, flash unecodes everything, so I can’t split it if there happens to be a ‘,’ in the text or a # in the link. most symbols I can;t use, because most of the text blurbs will be relating to math and will be using /*% etc…

Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for your time. I’m so grateful for all the good advice I get from the forum.