Hey all,
I’ve one more year of College over here in England (College/6th form in England = last 2 years of High school in the USA… I think) after this one (just one term left), and then it’s off to University.
I have been considering going to University abroad for some time and the USA seems like the most logical choice (excluding potential ‘terrorist attacks’ but let’s leave that be). I spent some of my early childhood there and have visited various parts of it over the years since.
Unfortunately, I have no idea which subject I would like to study but it is likely to revolve around either computers or marine biology. The latter is not a huge interest of mine, but it has caught my attention every now and then and I suspect that it would be the only plausable excuse for attending a University in Hawaii (which could be fun).
[list]A long story short, here are my questions:[/list]
Which universities offer highly respectable degrees in which subjects? (admittedly that’s a very open-ended question, but specifically subjects related to computing and marine biology?)
Has anyone here visited / taught at / attended a university in Hawaii and if so, how was it? Did you enjoy it? Was the degree useful for more than wiping yourself with after a call of nature?
Has anyone here seriously considered / actually attended University abroad? If so, any suggestions or advice?
I know that’s a hell of a lot to ask of y’all, but I don’t know who else to ask and it’s a rather serious decision that I’m trying to make :(.