I am trying to build an unlimited menu driven from xml, and it works on roll over.
Either this is quite a hard thing to code, or I am stupid
Its probably both
And ofcourse that nobody isnt going to use more than few levels anyway (if any) but as an programming exercise I think its great…
I have attached a little example of what I have done so far, so you can see what I am on about
The problem is not in coding but in that I dont understand how some things should work there…
What I have done is when I roll over a target, I read text from textfield, find it in xml and show its children, if any, but even this doesnt look good to me because what if there are same names in xml, this would broke right there…
And other questions like, how do I keep track of what is open so far when I am moving up / down … and so on…
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to build this because I am lacking of ideas…
Once you run the example everything should be quite clear how this should work exept maybe when you roll out of everything, all levels need to tween off at the same time…