Unload tell target

I am trying to figure out how to unload the movie clip that I loaded using “tell target”.

I attached a file. So, if you can help me out, I appreciate it.

This is just an example. I have about 20 movie clips that will be loaded or unloaded. The example has only 2 buttons, but the actual one that I am trying to make has about 20 buttons and 20 movie clips.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Are you trying to load an external movie into the main movie?

Nevermind, I think I got what you’re trying to do, here is the fixed fla. Hope that is what you’re trying to do. =)

hey, thanks for your help.
I thought that there is a way to unload the movie clip like “unloadMovie”. but this way works fine.

thanks for your help and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.


I’m sure there is an easier method, but my actionscripting skills are limited so I tend to do things the hard way. I’m glad it works for you though. =)