Unloading a movie container?

Thanks Andy, i wish flash was a bit more user friendly. I mean even when you get actionscripts syntax correct it still doesnt work half the time cause something else is wrong.

You really need to know your stuff when it comes to this. :-\

Hi Arqos. I told you this before when your password thing wasn’t working. I don’t know how you’re doing your buttons but you are layering them. Your home button has a Joinus button inside that which has another button, so the code on the button won’t work. I’m changing the buttons on the your fla and it should work. I’ll send you a PM where you can d/l you fla from, if it works.

Hmm on second inspection I think this would be quicker. Delete your buttons, do them again - this time if you make a button, delete the one on stage - pull one from the library each time and give them different instance names. You’ve caused alot of confusion in your fla with your buttons. Easier way is to just make one new button for each one. Just copy and paste the GRAPHIC not the button and enter new text per button. Then put the actions on the buttons again.

I tried the code I gave you with new buttons I did and it worked fine.

Ok. ill give a it a try thanks…

Ok the solution you gave me works. But is there anyway to just unload the members movie with out unloading the main movie. With the unload command and then get url command , it unloads everything and then goes back to the main movie which is good but , if i could have it just unload what i loaded and keep the main in background it would be better, so they dont have to reload the page…

Btw thanks, im not sure what was wrong with my buttons. But remaking them fixed it

Check your private messages. I’ve left a link where you can download your stuff from. Extract the zip to one folder. Make sure indextest.fla and test.swf are in the same folder.

Open indextest.fla and press CTRL + ENTER to test the movie. When you press the Members button - a small circle should load on top of the main movie, then when you click home (I did made that button again because of the aforementioned button probs) it should unload and a message should be “traced”.

The solution I gave was not supposed to do that. Check the fla and you’ll see that it is very simple and it works.

Check the actions on the home button. Take out the “trace” action and just add the getURL action to what you want.

I dont think god wants me to finish this site ever. Anyway.

I appreciate all the help flex. It works just like i want it too. The funny thing is though. When i publish the main movie now, the buttons on left , the silver lookin ones for Home , Members etc; do not publish with their bottom border, it makes the buttons look very ugly. On my main page if you publish it or just look at it from the site, at the url


You see it has the border underneath each button. I have tried putting the buttons in again with same action script and they just keep publishing with no bottom line. I swear i fix one thing and something else pops up. Im getting so sick of flash now due to this :frowning:

I take it you downloaded your fla. I’ll take it off line then. I can’t see anything wrong with the buttons. There is a bottom border. I’ll probably not be around here now - I’ve been helping alot of people with stuff but people take and don’t give - I have to get my head down and finish my long outstanding projects. And the forums left a bitter taste lately.

I still don’t understand what you mean about the buttons.

I totally understand. If i can ever help out in some way drop me an e-mail or something. I know i wont be able to help you with any flash problems, but if you need some sort of graphic made , maybe i can help there.

The button publishes with out a bottom border, the little thin blue line. Dont worry about it though. Seeya man .

And thanks again for the help on both the password and this. :slight_smile:

If you can help with graphics, try this:


Well thats graphics and animation. Im not good at that. Just basic photo shop graphics …:*(

ive loaded with this

with a button on press

loadMovie("contactus.swf", "container");
container._x = 250 ;
container._y = 30 ;

in another button i need to remove the movie
ive seen just about every tute on this subject, cant seem to get it to unload

dont just about the same…

loadMovie("contactus.swf", "container");
container._x = 250 ;
container._y = 30 ;

seen all the tutes on this subject, glad to see som1 else has the prob, no matter what i do cant remove the clip