unloadMovieNum Help

Hello everybody,

I’m try to edit a lash Template I put a gallery in it via loadMovie, but the problem is that I can’t unload the Gallery to load other , I don’t know what is wrong with the action , the Swf files to see if you click on any link you will see the Gallery to return to the main click on the burgandy box you will see what I mean
http://www.linestyle.net/unloadMovie.zip (swf only)
If you interesting to help you can download the fla
http://www.linestyle.net/[URL=“http://www.linestyle.net/222.zip”]222.zip (fla only)

Thank you


If you are using **loadMovie **to load an external swf into an empty movieclip then you don’t need to unload it. Whatever you load in next (into the same container) will replace what you have in there now.

If you are using loadMovieNum to load an external swf into a level then yes you can unload the movie by using unloadMovieNum(levelNumber);

Thank you for replying!
this what I did but it doesn’t work I don’t know why:crying: , you can see the fla yourself

Can anybody help??

i was unsure where you on which clip you want to unload the movie.If you stick


inside the on(release){} of main (frame 226,layer 12) it unloads ok but you have to wait until the tween finishes.

similarly on the instances of arr_2main eg/


but if you are wanting to load another movie,just load into the same_level

Million Thanks for your Help:thumb2: