So the mailman rings my grandparents’ door today(where I sued to live) and asks for me. So my grandfather says no he’s not here and that he would take the letter.
So the mailman says no I’m sorry I can’t give it to you, Dave must sign it and that this was a legal issue and it was from a lawyer.
I have no idea what this is about. My grandfather wrote the return address down and gave it to me. So I called 411 and got the name and number of the attorney. So I called but they must have left for the day. I can’t find them on the net which is pissing me off.
I am so stressed out right now, I have no clue what this could be. At first I thought it had to do with my ex since I told her I was going to kill her 1,000 times :lol: But it’s not her.
What the heck could this be? You think I should be as worried as I am over this?
I can
't wait to call tomorrow although I don’t think they will tell me what it is over on the phone.
Only me