Hey All, seasoned AS3 programmer here.
Just wanted to share a recent encounter with Error #2044: Unhandled ioError which stumped me for ~20 minutes today:
So, this is a partial code class that will load and deserialize a custom data file, the error is reported at line:** loader = new URLLoader();**
* Load and deserialize a FFON formatted object
* @param filepath
* @param callbackSuccess
* @param callbackError
public function Load(filepath:String, callbackSuccess:Function=null, callbackError:Function=null):void
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadSuccess, false, 0, true);
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, LoadError, false, 0, true);
loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, LoadError, false, 0, true);
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.NETWORK_ERROR, LoadError, false, 0, true);
this.filepath = filepath;
this.callbackSuccess = callbackSuccess;
this.callbackError = callbackError;
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(filepath);
* Handle successful file load event, attempt to deserialize, and call the callback function if set.
* Callback is called with a reference to this FFONSerializer object.
* @param evt the complete event sent from a valid URLLoader object
public function LoadSuccess(evt:Event):void
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(evt.target);
data = FFONSerializer.Deserialize(loader.data);
if (callbackSuccess != null)
* Handle IOErrorEvent and SecurityErrorEvent in the case of being unable to load a file.
* Callback is called with a reference to this FFONSerializer object.
* @param evt
public function LoadError(evt:Event):void
if (callbackError != null)
This is the harness used to test the above code, it has a success and a fail condition:
public function RunTests():void
debugbox.text = "";
LocalTrace("[Starting Tests]");
var ffon:FFONSerializer;
ffon = new FFONSerializer();
ffon.Load("test1.ffon", FFONSuccess, FFONError);
ffon = new FFONSerializer();
ffon.Load("non_existant_file.ffon", FFONSuccess, FFONError);
The error I was received was caused because var ffon:FFONSerializer; is disposed at the end of the RunTests(); function, and because I’d used weak references for my event listeners the event listener was being disposed before the load event had been fired, resulting in the error.
**loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, LoadError, false, 0, [COLOR=DarkOrange]true[/COLOR]);
**So, two possible fixes. Either remove useWeakReferences flag from addEventListener, or, recode the RunTest method to store proper references to the FFONSerializer objects.
Like so:
public var ffon1:FFONSerializer;
public var ffon2:FFONSerializer;
public function RunTests():void
debugbox.text = "";
LocalTrace("[Starting Tests]");
ffon1 = new FFONSerializer();
ffon1.Load("test1.ffon", FFONSuccess, FFONError);
ffon2 = new FFONSerializer();
ffon2.Load("non_existant_file.ffon", FFONSuccess, FFONError);
public function FFONSuccess(ffon:FFONSerializer):void
LocalTrace("FFON File: " + ffon.filepath + " loaded OK");
public function FFONError(ffon:FFONSerializer):void
LocalTrace("FFON File: " + ffon.filepath + " failed to load");
Now after RunTests executes, the asychnous IO_ERROR (file not found) executes correctly, and the correct trace message** “FFON File: non_existant_file.ffon**** failed to load”;** is displayed.
Just wanted to share this, since I didn’t find a reference to this possible (and probably quite obscure) cause in my googling.
I always recommend trying to handle the IO_ERROR event and other error events when accessing local files so that flash doesn’t hang unexpectedly if the network drops out or a file was put in the wrong folder.