updateAfterEvent..not working?


Im not sure I have got the hang of updateAfterEvent but after reading Flashguru’s explanation I thought i had the basic concept :(. From what I understand it essentially refreshes the screen independent of the frame rate. With this is mind I made a simple function which changes the colour and alpha of clips on a menu using color.setTransform(), BUT unfortunately when i make a change and try to update the screen using updateAfter event nothing happens?? Shouldnt the mc’s be updated?

See below…

function updateMenu(loggedIn, oldVal, newVal, protected){
	if (newVal == true){
		for(var item=0; item<disabledItems.length;item++){
			new Color(disabledItems[item]).setTransform({aa: '100'});
		for(var item=0; item<disabledItems.length;item++){
			new Color(disabledItems[item]).setTransform({aa: '25'});
		//notify user they have just logged out
	updateAfterEvent();//should refresh screen!???

Thanks in advance! :sen: