Yes, I require a website based uploader for users to upload images to my webserver.
Been pullin my hair out trying to find a good and simple solution for end-users…
As I said I have tried a couple of Java Applet based solutions, but no luck, would prefer not to use a Java applet uploader if possible. Looked at flash options but didn’t really see any.
I require a a way to upload multiple files in 1 go, not the standard way of using an HTML form and PHP upload. As you probably no this way only enables you to upload 1 file at a time, or have many form input fields…
Yeah, I need them simultaniously, basically I need my users to have a very quick easy way to upload mant images to the website. Doing them 1 by 1 is not practical when you have maybe 50+ images.
So you can build an upload utility in flash?
Is that reliable? Sounds interesting…
Anyone know any tutorials for this flash upload, or know any off-the-shelf options I could find?