Upload Utility

Hi there,

I need to find a good, reliable upload utility to upload multiple files (images) to my web server.

I want a utility that will allow me the facility to batch upload files, without a finite amount of html forms.

I have tried a couple of Java upload utilities already. 1 worked quite well, but had some major flaws and rendered it un-reliable.

Preferably I would like it in PHP, but from my research it seems impossible. Do you guys know any possible solutions or suggestions?

why don’t you use an ftp client?

When I first read it, I thought he was making it for his clients to upload.

Yeah, guess he wants a web-based uploader. Might check out hotscripts.com

Hi there,

Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I require a website based uploader for users to upload images to my webserver.

Been pullin my hair out trying to find a good and simple solution for end-users…

As I said I have tried a couple of Java Applet based solutions, but no luck, would prefer not to use a Java applet uploader if possible. Looked at flash options but didn’t really see any.

any ideas?

Why not just code one yourself? There are plenty php tutorials out there for uploading multiple files.

In what language? PHP?

I have checked out many options…

I require a a way to upload multiple files in 1 go, not the standard way of using an HTML form and PHP upload. As you probably no this way only enables you to upload 1 file at a time, or have many form input fields…

Unless you have a better idea you could suggest?

So you need them to simultaniously upload? Is there a reason for that?

I have built a FLASH based php multiple file uploader many times, it’s actually quite easy.

Hi there,

Thanx for your replies again.

Yeah, I need them simultaniously, basically I need my users to have a very quick easy way to upload mant images to the website. Doing them 1 by 1 is not practical when you have maybe 50+ images.

So you can build an upload utility in flash?

Is that reliable? Sounds interesting…

Anyone know any tutorials for this flash upload, or know any off-the-shelf options I could find?


Defective, thanks for your help.

I will have to admit, I am not a guru flash developer so coding 1 from the ground up might be demanding.

Any pre-made flash upload utilities I can use or purchase for this scenario?

Or even if any of you guys have done something in the past I could use?

Many thanks in advance…