Ok, so I have this upload script which seems to work ok, but the server-side script changes the filename of the uploaded file to a unique id, flash don’t know about this and the upload returns an xml, is there an easy way to get this new name directly or is there another way to do this?
when you send file to server, server save it in temp, and then runs save on disc function, so check how to change your server to save with same name like those you send. It will be easiest if you will show your server script, maybe somebody knows exact answer 
I didn’t make the server-side script so I don’t have that much insight into it, but the problem is that it has to change the filename, and flash needs to know about it
I found onUploadCompleteData that’s supposed to handle returned data, but the server-side script returns an XML and the onUploadCompleteData doesn’t run, will it only run if the server script returns a string and not an XML?
(I can’t check or change the server-side script until later, so I’m just checking if someone knows how this stuff works)