Uploading flash!

hi guys i m posting again. listen pls help and only help me fast. i have a website and i have published the flash movie in html. it has a preloader. i uploaded it on two sites: bravehost.com and brinskter.com. Both take load of time to load but after that it says done while nothing is there. the swf works fine. but when i again download the html from the web directory it works fine. so can u pls try. or atleast pls check it if it works fine on ur computer or do u think my host doesnt allows flash to be hosted ??

thnx a lot !

7 views 1 download and no response. pls help ! i even tried in geocities but didnt help check it out

Maybe you should post your fla if you want some help.

i cant post the fla. check out the zip file i have uplaoded

and now i have uploaded it at:


pls help pls help pls help

do u thin this happens 'coz there is a preloader … and the swf file works well but it gets shrinked up.