Uploading problems

Hi, im having a lil issue,

basically im making a full flash site. When i upload a file to my host, it is appearing fine on the ftp programme (using dreamweavers ftp), but the file doesnt appear online for a long period of time.

This only seems to happen when i update a .swf file thats already on the site.

Is there anything i could possibly be doing wrong.

Maybe if your updating/replacing a file of the same name, delete the one already on the server then upload the new one. I duno though, never had such an issue.


tried that… infact i deleted the whole site from the server, and 12 hours later the thing was still there.

In that case must be a server side issue. Get intouch with the owner and/or the administrator.

Sorry i couldnt help more.

Typically they blame me… although i had the same issue with another hosting provider… so now im thinking its something wrong at my end.

No idea what though

Weird, long shot but maybe clearing your temp internet files might help.