URGENT: form processing

Here’s the deal:
A need to be able to put variables on a php page into a html mail form to send it to a mail-rec.
For example:

I have a result

1 | productname | identification | price | stock
2 | productname | identification | price | stock
3 | productname | identification | price | stock
4 | productname | identification | price | stock

these are variables put on a php page in a table
now I need to put this table in an email and send it to the admin

just enter a qty and press enter, the go to “winkelwagentje” and you see what i mean

Please help me, it’s rather urgent
grtz death

//— Use $_POST[]; to catch the variables —
$productname = $_POST[‘productname’];
$identification = $_POST[‘identification’];
$price = $_POST[‘price’];
$stock = $_POST['stock];

//— Email variables ----
$toEmail = "putAdminEmailHere@Admin.com";
$subject = “Admin Email”;
$message = $productname." | “.$identification.” | “.$price.” | ".$stock;
// ---- mail() function
mail($toEmail, $subject, $message);

that would send one row of values to the admin e-mail address. You’ll have to tweak it.