Urgent help needed with xml mp3 player

i am desperate

the player almost complete but for some reason will not work

i cant figure it out - any help would be much appreciated and the only
payment i can make is kudos

i am begging :frowning:

if it helps - the “entry” movieclip is being called in by script using the
“linkage” option




i totaly fixed it :slight_smile:

you forgot or did something wrong on these lines:


// deleted (" myXML.ignorewhitespaces = true ")

should be ignoreWhite, but when i use the normal function, the text dozn’t appear on the screen, so i deleted this line…


number_of_branches = branches.length; // added

in line 17 you called the non xisting var: number_of_branches, here is were i declare the var for usage


number_of_subBranches = subBranches.length // added
for (j=0; j<=number_of_subBranches; j++) { 
// changed (" for (j=0; j<=subBranches.length; j++) { ")

changed the structure as the same loop at line 17… so you get an much clearer view…

hope i helped ya allot

thank you very much :slight_smile:

do I need to know the xml tags to use this?

not really, its pretty easy…

you just have to open and close the tags like:

<tagname>"data here"</tagname>

you can nest tags inside tags like:


its pretty easy, the only thing you gotta know is how ou set up your xml file :slight_smile:

if you really want to do it perfect you can add the xml declare on the first line, but its not necesary (stupid word, dont know how to write it), so i cant tell ya how the declare works…

good luck