I created a menu where one can scroll down to different options. I did this by putting it in a movie and then when you click the down button it goes to frame 2 in the movie that gives you the other options. I set each of the option buttons to:
on (release) (
gotoAndStop (“Scene 1”, 3);
scene 1 because this is where the frame is that the button needs to go to - the option button, as i mentioned above, is in a movie.
the problem i am having is that when i export the flash and the srolling works but when i click one of the option buttons it stays on the frame it is on and instead of going to the correct frame in “scene 1” it goes to the last frame of the movie.
also, for some reason, when i get to the frame that contains the scroll movie, it goes through the movie once. i put a stop on the 1st frame in the movie but it still does it. Does anyone know the cure for this?
hopefully this is duplicateable…
Help is much appreciated.
- Olivia