Hi all,
I’m just wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me solve this problem. I’ve created a rotating navigation menu with 4 parts/submenus. I’m having trouble of figuring the following:
[]To make the rotation/spinning graphics look smoother
[]On rollover of one of the submenu/movieclip (the rotation will stop and continue on rollout), it should hide/decrease the alpha of other submenus, so a rollover effect could be seen. I’ve already tried with this:
_parent.MCInstanceName._alpha = 30;
But when on mouse rollout, the hovered submenu/movieclip does not continue to rotate.
I’ve attached my source files if you guys want to have a look at it. Please help me, because I am pretty much a newbie at AS and I’m hitting a dead end. Any suggestions or help would be very appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance…