URGENT! How to add the "gotoAndPlay" action onto a movie clip button

Hello Everyone!

I’ve just created a movie clip button, I added a roll-over effect on it, so when a cursor moves over the button, the movie clip would play.

I’m really happy with the visual result of my movie-clip button, however I don’t know how to make it be connected with an animation which I’ve created on the same time-line of the movie clip button.

Here is the action script for the movie clip button:

b1.onRollOver = over;

function over() {

above script works fine! b1 is the movie clip button, and the movie clip starts at frame 7.

However, when I try to add an “On Release” action to the button, in order to make it to play an animation(which should starts at frame 36) when people click on it, the script doesn’t work, here is the script:

b1.onRelease = onRelease;

function onRelease() {

Can anyone help???

Thank you in advance!!!