Urgent Timeline Help!

I have been creating mini product movies in Flash using sound recordings, key frames, and tweens. This is the 5th in the series, and just NOW I’m having problems.

I had my frame rate set to 30fps with one long sound bite, about 2.5 minutes. Everything looked fine on my end, but when I loaded it into a landing page in IE, everything was out of sync, but only on other people’s computers. It still looked fine to me.

I compressed the sound file more, which helped some, but did not aleviate the entire problem. I noticed the frame rate when I did a quick preview (just pressed enter) would fluctuate from the 30 fps all the way to 9 fps.

I then cut the sound bite up into 13 segments, shortened the tweens, and reduced the frame rate to 18fps. In development and in preview, it looked fine. However, when I put it into the landing page, the animation was way too fast for the sound and the sound bites looped.

I am now all out of ideas and any help would be VERY much appreciated. I need to get this finished by tomorrow!

Thanks in advance.