URL location and file linking

Ok, so basically I have a web site (A.swf) which then imports as a movie clip (B.swf), however B.swf gets data from a html file in the directory below it.

–Folio [Folder]

So when I run B.swf it runs with no problems as the url for images.xml is just myXML.load(“images.xml”); However when I run A.swf it produces an error because it tries to load ‘images.xml’ from the folder A.swf is in not the folder B.swf is in.

I also do not want to use absolute referencing because then i will have to change it all when i upload it to the internet.

So is their a way to tell the program the directory is relative to B.swf not A.swf

e.g. something that works like thisDirectory.“images.xml”