Use a string variable to instantiate a variable

Hi… Im very new to Flash, so sorry if this is a stupid question.\rI would like to dinamically create array variables, depending on a XML file. The problem I have is that I don’t know how to create them dinamically using a name I have constructed into a string variable.\rWhat I would like is something like this:\r\rvar strVarName;\r\r…\rstrVarName = “Var” + i;\rvar strVarName = new Array();\r…\r\rSo I would have n arrays called Var1, Var2, … Varn.\rIs there any way I can do this? \rThank you in advance for any help or comment

lovin’ those while loops…

 \r\rfunction makeDemArrays(n,name){\r\r   while(n--){\r\r      _root[name + n] = [];\r\r   }\r\r}

\rn is the number of arrays to create. name should be a string (in quotes).