ok… i am trying to tell flash to put some text on a dynamic textfield on stage based on some variables written on the URL in the browsers address bar, sort of like how PHP uses $_GET…
so for example, i have a file called “embed_page.php” and embedded in it is a swf file called “dynamic.swf”
if i type on the addressbar “www.domaingoeshere.com/embed_page.php?n=HomerSimpson&c=Orange&g=Male”, how would i now go about getting those values to the swf?
i could imagine writing some kind of code like:
trace("name is: " + n + " and color of choice is: " + c + " and gender is: " + g);
if only i could get access to the URL in the address bar, i could play around with indexOf and slice to get the values i want…