Use button to nagviate to next scene

Hi all,

I am newbie to flash mx 2004 and have some doubts. I will appreciate any helps. Thanks in advance.

Currently, I have 2 scene in my flash. (Name as Scene 1 and scene 2 repectively) I add a button to scene 1. When user click on it, it should nagivte to scene 2. Previoulsy in flash mx, there is a normal mode which allow me to do so. So, in flash mx 2004, how do I do it? I try to add the code myself but it don’t works. The coding is as follow:

goToAndPlay (“Scene 2”, 1)

make sure to have a button handler

gotoAndPlay("Scene 2",1);

myButton is the instance name of your button

Also, if your button is inside of a movie clip, you’ll need to use a frame label instead of the scene name and frame number. :stuck_out_tongue:

And welcome to kirupa forum, by the way. =)