Use Hebraic font in flash

Hi all !
i have to create an animated teaser for Israel (hebrew).
The text I have to use is stored in an Excel sheet.
If I copy/paste the text into the flash movie, it becomes ??? ??? ??? ???.

Can you help me ? do you know how i can use hebrew characters in a flash movie ?

(sorry for my english… i’m french)

Instead of text, use jpeg or gif pics of the letters. You can do this by hitting print screen on your keyboard and taking it into photoshop or another program like that, then import them into flash, this way they will be graphics.

Or find the text file you are looking for on the web and import it to your computer in the (my computer) folder then (control panel)
then (fonts) where all your text files are kept, that
way flash will be able to find it in that folder.

thanks for your reply.
So that’s the only way to create hebraic text?
I’m really disappointed.
Now I have 2 solutions :
1- do as you said, gif images of the text
2- create my teaser in englis (better solution) :wink:

thanks again,


Or the second solution I mentioned, find the font file at a font site and download it to your fonts folder on your hard drive, that way Flash will be able to see it and use it.

Flash ne peut utiliser que les polices installées sur ton ordi, donc il faut que tu trouves une police en hebreu pour pouvoir en utiliser les caractères, le mieux (si tu utilises mX), c’est après de cliquer sur le bouton ‘characteres’ dans l’inspecteur de propriétés et d’inclure la police dans le swf, la taille augmente pas mal mais n’importe qui pourra le voir meme sans avoir la police installé…ou sinon, utiliser la méthode ‘breal appart’ pour rendre les lettres individuelles en vecteurs (elles ne seront plus éditables comme texte).
Ca va?

(sorry folks, just once more in French if you don’t mind…)

no idea what that says…sorry