this is probably the most unsexy “source/experiments” post, but I thought I would share anyway.
A few speed optimizations for action script 3.0
If anyone else knows any other optimization tricks, share them
There’s a couple of good ones out there… to use instead of “/” and Math.round.floor.ceil and all that slowness.
The most drastic one I’ve seen so far is to use int(number) instead of Math.floor(number)
Like 2000 times faster, but gets wonky with negative values
Speaking of the power function one I use from time to time if needed is the power of 2 trick. (0x1 << exponent) Bitwise operations are very quick.
yeah theres a bunch of good ones over at
And I think that using (number) >> 0 instead of int(number) might even be faster… would need to compare both of them