User changes colors of my site


I searched fot it on the foruns but found nothing related.
I have to make a Flash Site that lets the user changes it´s colors background, buttons, sections… and so on. He has to change the color, of the entire site.

Could someone give some help or point some tut?


You’ll have to have sort of input or slider that will pass to a variable and the valiable will dictate the properties of the background / button. They will have to do this each time unless you hold their data in a database or in cookies!

Hmm, i think if you made your whole site a MC, then you would be able to change its colour or aplha or what you want, and then use a timeslider, to change its RGB…But i think you need to wait for one of the more proffesionals to tell exactly how it shoud be done…

i’d use an array with the instance names of all the objects (have to be movieclips, even the buttons) of which you want to change the colour.
then either supply a drop-down menu with a few choices (red, green, etc…) or a slider to change the value of a global color variable;
loop through the array and use setRGB or better use a color transform object to assign the new value to each array element…which can at the same time be stored in a SOL (shared object) which gets loaded at the start of your site…