Users quiz score results

I have a “quiz” that I wrote in flash mx.

I want the “users quiz score results” saved upon loging in on the web site.

easy huh? I hope so. I just need this to “work” nothing fancy. Quick and dirty.

Any one intereted in this contract?

With all do respect PM me for the FLA. I dont want to advertise my work yet as its not complete.

I want to store stuff like this. Thats it.

_root.your_score = 0;
_root.perfect_score = 0;
_root.problems_attempted = 0;
_root.problems_correct = 0;
_root.problems_incorrect = 0;
_root.problems_almost_correct = 0;
_global.teachingQuestionProblemNumber = “”;
_global.practiceQuestionProblemNumber = “”;
_global.courseName = “language_arts”;

It would be cool if a user could authenticate using a id of some kind via a website then pick up where they left off at.

I dunno im guessing this could be done via php and mysql.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Thanks. For your time.
