This I don’t understand at all…
I have a bucnh of code already written that accesses a movieclip I’ve called “sb”. The requirements for the project have changed, and I need to have a slightly different version of the clip load if we’re in a different place in the Flash. All the other code I’ve written for “sb” will stay the same, I just need the following condition to determine which version of the clip will be loaded:
if (level == 0) {
var sb:navSB02 = new navSB02();
} else {
var sb:navSB = new navSB();
I get the follwoing error:
1151: A conflict exists with definition sb in namespace internal.
I understand what the error means. I can change one of the variable names to “sb2” or whatever, but then I have to put conditionals throughout the rest of my code to determine which clip it should reference.
Is there any way to work around this? This seems like this should be a simple thing to do.