Using an external class / function to return variables

Hi, just to preface, I’m pretty new to AS3 and having a hard time using external classes.

I’m using a class that I converted from AS2 to AS3 using Patrick Mineault’s converter:

The original AS2 class:

 * Colour handling routines
 * Culled from many places:
 *  -
 * @version  1.0
class Colours extends Object {
  * Convert RGB values to hexadecimal number
  * @param Number r  Red value
  * @param Number g  Green value
  * @param Number b  Blue value
  * @return Number   RGB as a hex value
  * @access public
 static function rgb2hex ( r:Number, g:Number, b:Number ):Number {
  return ( r << 16 | g << 8 | b );
  * Convert a hex number into rgb values
  * @param Number hex_col Hex colour to convert
  * @return Object   Object with r, g and b properties
  * @access public
 static function hex2rgb ( hex_col:Number ):Object {
     var red:Number   = hex_col >> 16;
     var green_blue:Number = hex_col - ( red << 16 );
     var green:Number  = green_blue >> 8 ;
     var blue:Number   = green_blue - ( green << 8 );
     return ({r:red, g:green, b:blue});
  * Convert a hex colour to HSV colour
  * @param Number hex_col Hex colour to convert
  * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
  * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
  * @access public
 static function hex2hsv ( hex_col:Number ):Object {
  var rgb:Object = Colours.hex2rgb( hex_col );
  return Colours.rgb2hsv( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
  * Convert a set of HSV values to a hex colour
  * @param Number h  Hue value
  * @param Number s  Sautration value
  * @param Number v  'Value' value
  * @return Number   Hex colour to convert
  * @access public
 static function hsv2hex ( hue:Number, sat:Number, val:Number ):Number {
  var rgb:Object = Colours.hsv2rgb( hue, sat, val );
  return Colours.rgb2hex( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
  * Convert HSB (also known as HSV values) to a hex values
  * @param Number h  Hue value
  * @param Number s  Sautration value
  * @param Number v  'Value' value
  * @return Object   Object with r, g and b properties
  * @access public
 static function hsv2rgb ( hue:Number, sat:Number, val:Number ):Object {
     var red, grn, blu, i, f, p, q, t;
     if(val==0) {return({r:0, g:0, b:0});}
     i = Math.floor(hue);
     f = hue-i;
     p = val*(1-sat);
     q = val*(1-(sat*f));
     t = val*(1-(sat*(1-f)));
     if (i==0) {red=val; grn=t; blu=p;}
     else if (i==1) {red=q; grn=val; blu=p;}
     else if (i==2) {red=p; grn=val; blu=t;}
     else if (i==3) {red=p; grn=q; blu=val;}
     else if (i==4) {red=t; grn=p; blu=val;}
     else if (i==5) {red=val; grn=p; blu=q;}
     red = Math.floor(red*255);
     grn = Math.floor(grn*255);
     blu = Math.floor(blu*255);
     return ({r:red, g:grn, b:blu});
  * Convert RGB values to HSV value
  * @param Number r  Red value
  * @param Number g  Green value
  * @param Number b  Blue value
  * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
  * @access public
 static function rgb2hsv ( red:Number, grn:Number, blu:Number ):Object {
     var x, val, f, i, hue, sat;
     x = Math.min(Math.min(red, grn), blu);
     val = Math.max(Math.max(red, grn), blu);
     if (x==val){ return({h:0, s:0, v:val*100});}
     f = (red == x) ? grn-blu : ((grn == x) ? blu-red : red-grn);
     i = (red == x) ? 3 : ((grn == x) ? 5 : 1);
     hue = Math.floor((i-f/(val-x))*60)%360;
     sat = Math.floor(((val-x)/val)*100);
     val = Math.floor(val*100);
     return({h:hue, s:sat, v:val});

The converted AS3 class:

package convertcolors { 
  * Colour handling routines
  * Culled from many places:
  *  -
  * @version  1.0
 public class Colours extends Object {
   * Convert RGB values to hexadecimal number
   * @param Number r  Red value
   * @param Number g  Green value
   * @param Number b  Blue value
   * @return Number   RGB as a hex value
   * @access public
  static public function rgb2hex ( r:Number, g:Number, b:Number ):Number {
   return ( r << 16 | g << 8 | b );
   * Convert a hex number into rgb values
   * @param Number hex_col Hex colour to convert
   * @return Object   Object with r, g and b properties
   * @access public
  static public function hex2rgb ( hex_col:Number ):Object {
       var red:Number   = hex_col >> 16;
       var green_blue:Number = hex_col - ( red << 16 );
       var green:Number  = green_blue >> 8 ;
       var blue:Number   = green_blue - ( green << 8 );
      return ({r:red, g:green, b:blue});
   * Convert a hex colour to HSV colour
   * @param Number hex_col Hex colour to convert
   * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
   * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
   * @access public
  static public function hex2hsv ( hex_col:Number ):Object {
    var rgb:Object = Colours.hex2rgb( hex_col );
   return Colours.rgb2hsv( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
   * Convert a set of HSV values to a hex colour
   * @param Number h  Hue value
   * @param Number s  Sautration value
   * @param Number v  'Value' value
   * @return Number   Hex colour to convert
   * @access public
  static public function hsv2hex ( hue:Number, sat:Number, val:Number ):Number {
    var rgb:Object = Colours.hsv2rgb( hue, sat, val );
   return Colours.rgb2hex( rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b );
   * Convert HSB (also known as HSV values) to a hex values
   * @param Number h  Hue value
   * @param Number s  Sautration value
   * @param Number v  'Value' value
   * @return Object   Object with r, g and b properties
   * @access public
  static public function hsv2rgb ( hue:Number, sat:Number, val:Number ):Object {
       var red, grn, blu, i, f, p, q, t;
      if(val==0) {return({r:0, g:0, b:0});}
      i = Math.floor(hue);
      f = hue-i;
      p = val*(1-sat);
      q = val*(1-(sat*f));
      t = val*(1-(sat*(1-f)));
      if (i==0) {red=val; grn=t; blu=p;}
      else if (i==1) {red=q; grn=val; blu=p;}
      else if (i==2) {red=p; grn=val; blu=t;}
      else if (i==3) {red=p; grn=q; blu=val;}
      else if (i==4) {red=t; grn=p; blu=val;}
      else if (i==5) {red=val; grn=p; blu=q;}
      red = Math.floor(red*255);
      grn = Math.floor(grn*255);
      blu = Math.floor(blu*255);
      return ({r:red, g:grn, b:blu});
   * Convert RGB values to HSV value
   * @param Number r  Red value
   * @param Number g  Green value
   * @param Number b  Blue value
   * @return Object   Object with h, s and v properties
   * @access public
  static public function rgb2hsv ( red:Number, grn:Number, blu:Number ):Object {
       var x, val, f, i, hue, sat;
      x = Math.min(Math.min(red, grn), blu);
      val = Math.max(Math.max(red, grn), blu);
      if (x==val){ return({h:0, s:0, v:val*100});}
      f = (red == x) ? grn-blu : ((grn == x) ? blu-red : red-grn);
      i = (red == x) ? 3 : ((grn == x) ? 5 : 1);
      hue = Math.floor((i-f/(val-x))*60)%360;
      sat = Math.floor(((val-x)/val)*100);
      val = Math.floor(val*100);
      return({h:hue, s:sat, v:val});

In the main swf I have imported the class:

import convertcolors.Colours;

On publishing I get no errors.

However, I don’t really understand how to talk to the class to return some converted colour variables.

Here’s my attempt:

//test convert
var hex_col = 0xffffff;
var convertedcol = Colours.hex2hsv(hex_col);

the trace returns “[object Object]”

What am I doing wrong? Is the AS2 to AS3 conversion part of the problem (aside from my ignorance of how to use it)?

Any help would be appreciated.