Could someone please explain how to use an XML file and an image array and FlashMXPro2004 to run a slideshow/presentation that uses no buttons but simply starts playing when the user accesses the page? There are 14 images and they just loop.
addendum to my above post—I have a file that works using code from Macromedia called something like xml/jpg slideshow. It uses a next and previous button.
Thanks for answering—Actually, that’s the file I started with—my problem is it is based on a “next/prev” action to advance the slides and what I need to do is show the slides in an automatic loop that just displays one side after another and I don’t know how to tell the XML to do that. Naturally it’s probably really obvious and I’m looking in the wrong place.
I got ur problem. There is something called as setInterval. You can use that which calls a partiular function where u can increment the values one by one without depending on any event.
Just put this code into a new movie and check…how it works…
var nextImg = 1; // index value
setInterval( function(){ trace(“interval called” + nextImg); nextImg++; }, 2000 );
you can increment or decrement interval by changing milliseconds (here its 2000)