Using an XML /FlashMXPro2k4 to access an array

Could someone please explain how to use an XML file and an image array and FlashMXPro2004 to run a slideshow/presentation that uses no buttons but simply starts playing when the user accesses the page? There are 14 images and they just loop.

Thanks for your help

addendum to my above post—I have a file that works using code from Macromedia called something like xml/jpg slideshow. It uses a next and previous button.


Just check out this Link.

I hope this will clear your doubts…


Thanks for answering—Actually, that’s the file I started with—my problem is it is based on a “next/prev” action to advance the slides and what I need to do is show the slides in an automatic loop that just displays one side after another and I don’t know how to tell the XML to do that. Naturally it’s probably really obvious and I’m looking in the wrong place.


I got ur problem. There is something called as setInterval. You can use that which calls a partiular function where u can increment the values one by one without depending on any event.

Just put this code into a new movie and check…how it works…

var nextImg = 1; // index value
setInterval( function(){ trace(“interval called” + nextImg); nextImg++; }, 2000 );

you can increment or decrement interval by changing milliseconds (here its 2000)


Thanx—I’ll try that–I’ve been using “onLoad” to no avail