I may be making this much harder than it should be. What I’m trying to do is create a navigation system which starts with for example a main navigation button named about us. On rollover, I want it to call a prototype that displays my subnavigation one button following the next. The code I have so far is as follows:
MovieClip.prototype.makemenu = function(thearray) {
for (i=1; i<=thearray.length; i++) {
textdisplay.text = textdisplay.text + thearray*;
buttonName = this.thearray*;
buttonName._y = buttonName._y + (30 * i);
The array that I’m passing contains instance the names of the three subnavigation buttons that I want to reposition. So ideally, on rolling over the About Us button, I want to drop down the first subnav button, then the second, then the third. Each one would pop down after the previous has finished moving. Any suggestions would be appreciated!