Using attachmovie with holder clips - tilebased level editor

hi all…

i am having some difficulty figuring this out…

I am using flash remoting to create a “level editor” that allows you to choose tiles from images (jpgs or swfs) from a server directory, and then save an xml that (so far) at least includes the number of the tile from the tile-tool chooser.

I modified the very cool xml level editor by Tor de Vries
to include the script for browsing and loading images found at

I am still trying to get this to work:

to at least allow me to place the tiles that were loaded, but i can only seem to get whatever else is on the tile-frame (graphics etc.) but not the loaded image into the holder…
I think this is related to some sort of limitation attaching movieclips that have had something loaded into them…
but i am really not sure…

here is my .fla for the main moviealso…

and my swfBrowse.fla

my eventual goals after solving this problem (no loaded images into tiles show up)
are to include the ability to load into more than one tile tool (by either clicking on a browse button beside the tool, or have the browser recognize which tool is the current one… also collision detection markers, multiple layers, and include the image/swf paths that were included in the movie in the xml data.

I’d be very interested in any help or suggestions on my problem at hand or my future goals for this movie. I am definitely struggling on many of these issues, and could use some pointers…

thanks guys!

-aleks aka KarmaKat