(html page)
This is an attempt to create something in Javascript that would be piss easy to make in flash but its better to make in XHTML+Javascript…Nokrev where are you when i need you :devious:
Anyway, roll over the right half of the images and they will start scrolling right, and once its moved right a bit, if you go over the left half it will scroll back…
all good so far - but the images are actually <a> tags with background images, and that CSS rollover trick to reposition the image to bottom left when u hover…
but - the 2 invisible divs that are used with onmouseover and onmouseout to trigger the scrolling intervals in the javascript are **blocking **the rollovers of the <a> tags, and not only that i cant even click the <a>'s :hurt:
Is there a way to test where the mouse is positioned in relation to the container div so i can trigger my scrolling functions in the javascript? A way that allows the child divs to be rolled over and clicked?
Nokrev - im working this “Avoid Flash if u can do it in Javascript” philosphy as hard as i can give us a hand eh