Using JavaScript to call a function in Flash

I’m trying to use JavaScript to call a function in Flash 8.

My code works in Firefox, but not IE6.

I think it has something to do with the fact that my flash object is in a form? In using SWFObject to add flash in my HTML and it’s in a form.

Here’s the html…

<form id="form1" name="form1" runat="server">
     <!-- EMBED FLASH OBJECT -->
        <div id="flashcontent">
            If you are reading this then you don't have Flash.

        <script type="text/javascript">
         var so = new SWFObject("AdViewer.swf", "AdViewer", "500", "332", "9", "#ffffff");
         so.addParam("quality", "best");
         so.addVariable("AdID", "4");
        <!-- EMBED FLASH OBJECT -->

Here’s my javacript


    // tell Flash to set image
    function getAdinFlash( AdID )
        thisMovie("AdViewer").loadAdNow( AdID );
    function thisMovie(movieName) {
        if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
            return  document.getElementById(movieName);
        } else {
            return document[movieName]

and my Flash, any ideas?


//import flash.external.*;
var methodName:String = "loadAdNow";
var instance:Object = this;
var method:Function = loadAd;
var wasSuccessful:Boolean = ExternalInterface.addCallback(methodName, instance, method);

function loadAd(AdID) {
    var imgPath:String = "http://localhost/Extanse/InStoreKioskWeb/flashkiosk/imageresponse.aspx?Type=7&AdID="+ AdID;
    debugger.text = imgPath;
    image_mcl.loadClip( imgPath, imageHolder );