Using javascript with navigateToURL


I’m new to here, cause I’ve been trying to find solution to this one, but haven’t got any answers elsewhere…

So my question is, how can I pass “custom” javascript command to html page I’m currently, from flash. I’m trying to get lightwindow ( to work, but everything that happens, is that it opens a new window saying:

    href: '', 
    title: 'Waiting for the show to start in Las Vegas', 
    author: 'Jazzmatt', 
    caption: 'Mmmmmm Margaritas! And yes, this is me...', 
    left: 300});

Here is my code in flash:

var jscommand:String = "javascript:"myLightWindow.activateWindow({
    href: '', 
    title: 'Waiting for the show to start in Las Vegas', 
    author: 'Jazzmatt', 
    caption: 'Mmmmmm Margaritas! And yes, this is me...', 
    left: 300});"; 
                        var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(jscommand); 
                        navigateToURL(url, "_self");

So I just don’t get it… Anyone familiar to lightwindow?